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Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নাম : পলাশ খান
ভিডিও এডিটর
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নাম : মোঃ তানভীর হাসান
বরিশাল আঞ্চলিক প্রতিনিধি
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নাম : রাশেদুল ইসলাম
জেলা সংবাদদাতা পিরোজপুর
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নাম : তিমির বনিক
মৌলভীবাজার প্রতিনিধি
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নাম :মনছুর আলম
কর্ণফুলী প্রতিনিধি
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নাম :আলী আজীম
মোংলা (বাগেরহাট
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নামঃরাকিবুল হাসান
স্টাফ রিপোর্টার গাজীপুর।
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নামঃসিফাত হাসান
শেরপুর প্রতিনিধি
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
নামঃমো: সৌরব
বেতাগী প্রতিনিধি
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
খাগড়াছড়ি প্রতিনিধি
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
তাহসিন মেহেরাব শাওন
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
ঈদগাও প্রতিনিধি
নিজাম উদ্দিন
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.
ভোলা প্রতিনিধি
মোঃ ইয়াছির আরাফাত
Responsibility and Conduct: Relaks Limited will not be responsible for any misconduct or misuse of company power by you. Any such actions will be subject to governmental laws, and appropriate legal action will be taken against you.